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The Origin of Cancer book is finally finished and is available for purchase from and Barnes and Noble and Apple Books. Available as an Amazon Kindle eBook, too. Buy it now and read about our very plausible theory on where cancer comes from, a theory backed by over 40 years of research. Thank you. PM


The Origin of Cancer book



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Cancer Prevention


1. Everything you eat should be as fresh as possible.  Spoiled, moldy, or rancid foods, especially if they contain rancid or oxidized fats or oils, are high in carcinogens, such as aflatoxin. Consume perishables before they go bad, or put them on the compost pile if they are past their prime unless they are meat, bones, or foods high in grease or oil.   Reduce your consumption of preserved foods unless they are fermented. (See #6 below.) Choose fresh, raw foods over canned or even frozen foods. Just picked is even better.  We recommend growing your own vegetables and fruits, if possible.

2. Reduce your consumption of deep-fat fried foods, especially French fries, which are often made in old, rancid oil or hydrogenated oil, which is a totally artificial form of fat.  Reduce your consumption of beef and pork, which are high in fat, much of which is polyunsaturated and becomes oxidized more quickly.  Eat more fresh fish from unpolluted waters, lamb, fowl, and wild game.

3. Increase your consumption of foods high in vitamin C: oranges, limes, lemons, green peppers, hot peppers, ripe tomatoes, etc.  Use natural vitamin C powder mixed into freshly-squeezed orange juice if you want to increase your vitamin C intake. Most people need much more vitamin C than the RDA, but you don't want to drink too much orange juice because of its high sugar content. Also, add some juice from fresh lemons or limes to the orange juice to provide a more complete intake of vitamin C and the synergistically-acting bioflavonoids (formerly called vitamin P).  Vitamin C is vital in keeping the immune system functioning properly.

4. Try to reduce your consumption of fat and sugar. Avoid margarine completely. Some margarines still contain polyunsaturated, hydrogenated fat and often have artificial coloring and flavoring. Butter or olive oil, used sparingly, is better.  Reduce your intake of processed oils, mayonnaise, salad dressings, etc.

5. Reduce your consumption of salt, except possibly in miso soup if you aren't allergic to soy products, because some cancerous cells are high in sodium and low in potassium, which is the exact opposite of normal cells.  Vegetables, fruits, and cereals are high in potassium.  Eat organic produce that is unsprayed with pesticides so that you don't have to wash them very much. Potassium is water soluble and is easily lost by soaking or  washing the fruits and vegetables in water.  Avoid water softeners that add sodium and remove vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium in the water.  Drink hard water that contains these minerals; use bottled spring water if local water is soft or polluted.



Cancer/Medical Websites*—National Cancer Institute—American Society of Clinical Oncology—American Cancer Society

Medical News Today—Cancer/ Oncology News (Drug Info)

UCSD Biomedical Library

UCSD Medicine Resources Guide



Universities Mentioned *

Arizona State University

Boston University

Brown University


Cambridge University

Columbia University

Cornell University

Duke University

George Washington University

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Kansas State University

Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine




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* = External links

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Swarms of Magnetic Bacteria Could Be Used to Deliver Drugs to Tumors

Synopsis of our Theory on the Origin of Cancer  Important

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Toxic Formaldehyde is Produced Inside Our Cells

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Pop-ups are working!
DNA Transcription and Translation
Interview with biologist Lynn Margulis
The element nickel is a strong carcinogen.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Serial endosymbiosis, from biologist Lynn Margulis
Wikipedia is a non-profit organization. Please consider donating to them. Thank you.
Visible light repairs the damage to DNA caused by UV light.
Mycoplasma and cancer - Mycoplasma may be the host bacterium that merged with the mitochondrion ancestor, according to biologist Lynn Margulis (see "Endosymbiosis" below).
How leukemia, glucose, insulin, serotonin, and the microbiome are all interrelated
"They found that before the Siberian Flood Basalts took place, the Siberian lithosphere was heavily loaded with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, all chemical elements from the halogen group. However, these elements seem to have disappeared after the volcanic eruption." [Note the abundant halogens before the Extinction Event. Was this when the halophilic bacteria evolved?]
How the mitochondrion originated
"The unique way certain lipids are embedded on the outside of cancer cell membranes makes tumours susceptible to the wasp toxin, the researchers found. In healthy cells, the same structural molecules are located on the inner membrane surface."
Helicobacter pylori produces ammonia?
Correction on rabbits
Bdellovibrio, ancestor of the mitochondrion?
How the Helicobacter pylori bacterium causes stomach cancer
Please note the "abnormal mitochondrial metabolism [of iron]" part.

The membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum look like the internal sterol membranes of methanogens. methanogens

Yeast is used to ferment foods and alcoholic drinks.
Nickel is a strong carcinogen.
Haloferax volcanii is a salt-loving bacterium. Also, an example of DNA scrambling (translocation).
An example of DNA scrambling and DNA methylation
Red Rocks, Sedona, Arizona - (Adobe Stock Photo) - We've moved to Sedona!
Dogs can smell methane, but humans can't? What about benzene?
Oregano fed to cows cuts methane production from methanogens in their guts?[Paywall]

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